Encourage Birth:
Supporting Women Through Pregnancy & Birth.



Encouraging Support Makes all the Difference

I went into my first birth with classes under my belt, wonderful family support, and a deep desire to do things all natural/unmedicated. What I didn’t realize is all the twists and turns and the mental load it can add on to an already emotional, physical, mentally involved situation. I’m so thankful for that birth and the child it brought us, but also the education it taught me about myself, women's bodies, and the way interventions come into play.

For my second and third birth I had an amazing doula who was the inspiration for why I became a doula. She supported my husband and I to work together, be informed, and when we were very stuck with no hope, she gave encouragement through prayer, peaceful words, and knowledge of different positions/movements that could help move things along.

I am here to give women the same encouragement, the courage to speak up and know what to fight for, and the positive self talk to keep going, keep your mind present, and to lean into to birth, encourage birth.

Having support, someone to cheer you on and give you the boost you need to keep going can make all the difference both during pregnancy and on baby day!

“I was nervous about childbirth based on stories I have heard from my mom and others close to me that have given birth. But when Addison came into the picture, she took me from fear to faith, from nervousness to expectancy and from fidgeting to anticipation of seeing my baby healthy. I would recommend her as a doula any time am asked. Even when I plan to have my second child she definitely will be my doula.”

- Deborah

a silhouette of a man and a woman holding a baby
a silhouette of a man and a woman holding a baby

What others say about Addison...

“Addison is very knowledgeable about labor positions, different techniques to encourage labor progression, and reminded me often of my rights as a patient. She was very respectful of my husband’s involvement in my labor as well, providing support when needed and stepping back when he and I just needed time together. While birth is always an intense experience, having the right support people can make it go so much smoother, and Addison was definitely one of those people! ”

- Emily


Hello! I'm Addison Powell.

Wife. Mom of 4. Jesus follower.
I enjoy community, enjoying the outdoors, being active, foods from around the world, and organizing anything and everything. It is my passion and joy to help families thrive through pregnancy, labor, birth, and caring for their new child!